5 Reasons Why Too Much Sugar Is Dangerous For Health

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1 : Sugar may increase body weight: consumption of Excessive sugar eating may increase your weight. 

Juice , sugar sweetened drinks , soda , Sweet tea , Sweet Coffee can increase your body weight unknowingly. 

High  amount of sugar consumption increases calories to your blood which gain your weight.


2: Sugar may increase your heart diseases: Heavy Sugar foods increase risk of many diseases including heart diseases. 

Research on humans shows that continuous consumption  of sugar increases the chance of heart diseases.

High sugar diet can lead to obesity , blood sugar and blood pressure which leads to heart disease. 

3: Sugar increases the risk of type 2 diabetics: Over 415million people worldwide are living with diabetes and it increases day by day. 

Sugar is the prime factor of increasing blood sugar.

High sugar consumption makes resistance to insulin, which is a hormone produced by pancreas and regulates blood sugar.

Insulin resistance keeps blood sugar levels high and increases the risk of diabetics.  


4: Cause tooth decay: Sugar can damage your teeth too. 

Sweets, candy chocolate create tooth decay more efficiently than other foods . 


5: Can Accelerate Skin Aging: Consuming a diet of high sugar and refined carbohydrates leads to the production of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) which may cause your skin to age prematurely. 

       When collagen, the main structural protein found in skin and elastin which is also a protein found in dermis of the skin, are damaged , the skin loses its firmness and begins to sink.


In one research on women shows that those who consume more carbohydrate foods including added sugar have a more wrinkle appearance than women who eat a high protein and lower carbohydrate diet.

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